Ginisang Mais Recipe

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  • 5-6 cobs of white corn (grated)
  • 1 onion
  • garlic
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • pork sliced into small pcs. or you can use shrimps
  • sili leaves (dahon ng sili) or dahon ng malunggay
  • 2 eggs
  • salt, pepper to taste


Note: you can use patis or bagoong for seasoning

  1. Boil pork with water, until water evaporates. Let it cook in it’s own oil. Don’t fry it too much. Set Aside.
  2. Saute onion, garlic, tomatoes then add the pork
  3. Add the mais
  4. Add enough water (if you use the shrimp instead of the pork, mashed the shrimp’s head, put a little bit water and make it a stock)
  5. Season with your preferred seasoning
  6. Add the sili leaves and crack to eggs, stir thoroughly while simmering.
  7. Simmer for few minutes and it’s done. Best served with fried Galunggong.

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