Tortang Dulong Recipe

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  • 1/4 kilo Dulong(Silver/White fish)
  • 5 tablespoons Breadcrumbs
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 medium Onion (chopped)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Black pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Cooking Oil for frying


  1. Combine together all the ingredients together for the fish patty (except for cooking oil).
  2. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour for the batter to come together and for easy handling.
  3. Portion about half a cup and form into a ball.
  4. Flatten then pan fry in oil until golden brown.
  5. Serve with steamed white rice or as a beer snack with ketchup or vinegar dipping sauce.

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