Homemade Sweet Buns

Homemade Sweet Buns
Photo Credits: instagram.com/arinabakes


  • 750g Plain Flour
  • 150g sugar
  • 125g margarine
  • 125ml fresh milk
  • 250ml fresh warmed up water
  • 2 teaspoon yeast
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • oil for greasing
  • 15ml water for the glaze


1. Put flour, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix. Create a hole in the middle and set aside. Melt margarine and milk and warm up the mixture and add yeast to the milk mixture. Be careful not to overheat it – it should just be warm to the touch.
2. Stir margarine, yeast and milk until yeast dissolves. Take set-aside bowl with dry ingredients and pour the milk, yeast and margarine mixture then add your water bit by bit.(You may or may not have to use all the water). Stir until a sticky dough is formed. Put sticky dough on lightly floured board and kneed for a good 15 minutes.
3. Lightly oil a spate bowl which is large enough to contain the dough when it rises. Place dough in oiled bowl. Cover with a wet cloth and place in a warm place for an horror until it has doubled in size.
4. When the dough has doubled, knock the dough to dispel the air. Take your baking sheet and grease it. Remove dough from the bowl and place on your lightly floured board and knead again for another 15 minutes. Break off small portions of the dough and shape it into balls and place into your greased baking sheet.
5. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and place into the oven when it reaches the right temperature. Bake for 25-30min.
6. To make the glaze – dissolve the sugar in the water and heat.
7. When the buns are cooked, remove them from the oven and glaze them while they are still hot.

Credits to: taste.co.zw