Biko (Sinukmani)

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  • 3 cups Sweet rice (sticky rice or malagkit)
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 can (13.5 oz) coconut milk OR coconut milk from 1 medium sized coconut
  • 1.5 cup white sugar


  1. In a rice cooker, mix sweet rice and water. Steam cook. Set aside
  2. In a big wok, mix coconut milk and sugar. Bring to boil on medium high heat. Stir continuously.
  3. Reduce heat to medium once it starts to boil.\
  4. Boil for 15 minutes or until the amount is reduced by half and the consistency is thick or creamy.
  5. Add boiled rice slowly. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Reduce heat to medium low.
  7. Continue stirring.
  8. The secret of Biko is in the constant stirring. Do it by scooping from the outside the mixture around the pan in one direction.
  9. Biko is done when it doesn’t spread too much when left without stirring. Place it in Bilao or round platter with banana leaves lining greased with butter. Slice it in diamond shape cut and sprinkle latik in each slice. Serve and enjoy!

How to make latik:


  • 1 can Coconut Milk (400ml) or
  • 2 cups of fresh shredded mature Coconut
  • 2 cups warm water


  1. Mix the grated coconut with the warm water in a large bowl.
  2. Scoop the coconut into a sheet of cheesecloth and squeeze over the bowl to express as much coconut juice as possible then strain into a  pan. Discard the coconut.
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook until the mixture is dry, about 15 minutes
  4. When the texture turns gelatinous, lower the heat and continue stirring.
  5. It will curdle as it dries, continue stirring until brownish residues are formed which are called ‘latik.’

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