Baked Biko Sapin Sapin Style

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For the White biko:

  • 1/2 kilo malagkit, glutinous rice
  • 1/4 kilo regular rice

For the Red  biko:

  • 1/2 kilo malagkit, glutinous rice
  • 1/4 kilo brown or red  rice

For the Purple biko:

  • 1/2 kilo malagkit, glutinous rice
  • 1/4 kilo pirurutong, purple rice
  • 6 cups coconut milk
  • 1/2 kilo white sugar
  • 3 tbsp. grated lemon rind, 2 lemons
  • 3 tsp. grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • banana leaves

For the Toppings:

  • 1 200small can condensed milk
  • 1 1/2 cups coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour


  1. Separately cook the rice of the white biko, red biko and purple biko. Wash the rice mixture, put in a rice cooker, add a pinch of salt, grated ginger and add water as per rice cooker instructions.  Cook until the cook switch has automatically switched off, remove rice cooker from the mains and keep aside.
  2. Cook the coconut sugar syrup for the white biko, red biko and purple biko then divide in 3 parts. In a large wok put 3 to 4 cups of water, 6 cups of coconut milk, white sugar and grated lemon rind. Bring to a boil and simmer at medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Keep on stirring until the mixture is reduced to about half. Remove from wok and divide into 3 parts.
  3. Separately cook the white biko, red biko and purple biko. Using the same wok add in 1/3 of the coconut sugar syrup and let it boil. Stir in the cooked biko rice mixture, mix and blend thoroughly, stir cook for another 15 to 20 minutes at medium to low heat until the biko start to render coconut oil, keep aside to cool down.
  4. Line some banana leaf at the bottom and sides of a baking tray, put in the cooked biko and platen in 3 layers, bottom layer the purple biko, middle layer the red or brown biko and the top layer the white biko. Make sure that there is still space for the milk and coconut toppings, keep aside.
  5. To cook the milk and coconut toppings, in a small sauce pan mix all the topping ingredients until thoroughly blended. Heat the mixture at low heat till it start to boil, while continuously stirring to prevent from burning, keep aside to cool down.
  6. To bake the layered biko, pour the toppings over the tray of the layered biko. Place the biko tray in an oven preheated at 175°C and bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until the topping is cooked and has turned to golden brown with some burned spots. Remove from the oven, keep aside to cool down. Best serve cool or chilled.

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