Quezon Special Tikoy

Photo Credits: m.facebook.com/asensonijuan


  • 1 bag (16 oz.) glutinous rice flour
  • 1 can (13.5 fl oz) Aroy D coco milk
  • 1 can (12 fl oz) evaporated milk
  • 1/2 cup grated Kraft cheese
  • 1 cup condensed milk
  • 2 cup white sugar


  1. In a mixing dish mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. strain if necessary to refine batter.
  3. Pour the batter to a pan about 10 inches in diameter and 2 inches thick.
  4. Steam for 45 minutes or until done.
  5. Pierce the center of the pan with a fork handle and if comes out dry the tikoy is done.

Credits to: wowquezon.com