Cardillong Isda

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  • 2 medium-sized whole golden pampano, cleaned, gutted and each cut into 4 pieces (You can use other fish like bangus, maya-maya, cod, tilapia, or scad)
  • 5 Tbsp Light olive oil
  • 2 big tomatoes, washed, seeds removed and chopped
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp ginger, minced
  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 stalks green onions, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 Jalapeño pepper, seeds removed and sliced into rings (optional)


  1. Sprinkle fish with salt. Let sit for about 15 minutes. In a skillet over medium heat, fry fish in light olive oil until both sides are light brown. Remove from pan and place on a paper towel lined plate to drain oil.
  2. In a large sauce pan or in the same skillet (if large enough), saute garlic, ginger, onion and tomatoes over medium heat in the olive oil used for frying the fish until tomatoes are soft.
  3. Add water and fish sauce and bring to a gentle boil. Add the fried fish. Lower heat and cover the pan. Simmer for about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to suit your taste.
  4. Add the beaten eggs. When it starts to curdle, gently stir to distribute the eggs evenly in the sauce.
  5. Add green onions and jalapeño pepper. Simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for a while to allow the sauce to further absorb the flavor of the fish.

Transfer to a serving plate.Serve with hot rice!

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