If you were part of the Pinoy kids born in the 80’s and 90’s, then you are lucky to have experience the best of both generations.
Long before tablets, social media and the world with virtual friends have ruled our children’s minds; we were all simple kids, and gadgets are not our Toys.
We normally see the children gathered in shades. Games require Physical and motor activity. We call them,“Larong Pinoys”. These were passed from our Lolo’s and Lola’s, from one generation to the next. Others were creatively reinvented, with new rules, with the used of simple materials like, Cans, slippers and anything that are readily available.

But over the years, we have seen how much of the new technology have affected us. Kids were more entertained in playing online games, video streaming and posting everything in their social media account.
Every now and then it’s good to reminisce our childhood days. Browsing these photos would bring us back to the days when life was simple, playing our games were sweaty and fun.
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