Useful Tips When Buying a Second Hand Car


Useful Tips When Buying a Second Hand Car – It might come as a surprise that used automobiles in a good condition are now far more preferable than the brand new vehicles as according to statistics used car market is growing as fast or even faster than the brand-new cars. Due to motorization rate, the second-hand market is not going to vanish anytime soon and has recorded a jump of 23 percent last year from 2014.

However, purchasing a second-hand automobile is not a cakewalk. In Spite of these record-breaking sales, most buyers get apprehensive and anxious when it comes to go for a used car as obviously buying a car is one of the largest investment you make in your life. It really seems a daunting task but with the below CarBay tips, shopping for a used car will be a breeze for you guys.

Tip 1: Always know what you want

Unplanned purchase is fine for your groceries, clothing or anything like that but it is not at all okay when it comes to the buying of a car. Little bit browsing is fine but just randomly purchasing a car sometimes prove to be a big mistake. Always do research in advance about your desired model by simply hitting the nearby dealer’s showroom or visit their website and go through their inventory of used cars. This will avoid the undesired outcome and make it very easy to jot down your list of possible choices.

Tip 2: Know your budget

Knowing your budget will help you save the time when looking for a second hand car for sale as you precisely focus on the segment of your determined budget. Add maintenance, insurance and fuel costs to the final amount you have determined and now cut it by 20%. It might reduces the amount of car you want to purchase but it will keep you in pace with the budget in the long run.

second hand car

Tip 3: Check for any major or minor issues

Clear your facts as to which problems are major and which are minor. Major issues include engine and transmission problems, serious accident issues or anything that can be very difficult to address. Properly check the exhaust and if any smoke comes out of the exhaust when in ignition. Also the rattling sounds or loud noises when started are bad indicators.

Minor issues are those which can be handled easily but they should not be ignored. Every minute detail should be examined properly, from seat covers to mats etc.

Tip 4: Go for a maintained car

Even if you are opting for a used car, always go for a well-maintained automobile and ask the seller about the information on recent repairs. If nothing serious has been repaired apart from few dents, then you have nothing to worry about. But, if the replacement of some major part has been done, then ask for detailed explanation of that repair.

Tip 5: Scrutinize Documents

Now that you are satisfied with your choice, it’s time to ask for the documentation like pollution under control certification, insurance as well as Registration papers and check them properly. Also, ask for the name transfer to avoid any mishaps in the future.

Above tips are pre-requisites to help you out of your great dilemma of buying a used car as it can be a great deal just like when getting into the brand new car. Scrutinize the vehicle very well and you can insure your investment is not going to waste and is a solid one by doing some preparations and research at your end.