TINOLANG MANOK is one of the best recipe in the country that provides a lot more nutritious, delicious and easy to cook among Filipino foods. It only requires simple and cost efficient ingredients that you can easily prepare and serve to your dining table for your loved one’s to taste.

Have you ever try it? Hesitate no more. Here’s how you cook it.



  • 1  Native chicken (poultry chicken is an alternative) – cut into 2 ½ inches size
  •   tablespoon of cooking oil
  • 2-3  tablespoon of fish sauce
  • 1  small onion, quarterly chopped
  • 4-5  cloves of garlic – crushed and minced
  • 1  small chopped ginger
  • 1  medium-sized unripe papaya – peeled, remove seed and cut into cubes (alternative is chayote)
  • 2  bunch of chilli leaves or sili leaves (alternative is spinach leaves or horseradish leaves)
  • ¼  tablespoon of black pepper
  • ½  tablespoon of salt
  •   liters of boiled water


  1. Heat the cooking pot and pour-in the cooking oil
  2. When the cooking oil is hot enough, saute the garlic, ginger and onion
  3. Add the chicken (stir and wait until chicken becomes brown)approximately 5mins
  4. Adjust stove heat level to high temperature
  5. Add fish sauce (mix and wait for a while until chicken absorb it)
  6. Pour 2½ liters of boiled water (boiled water can help minimize the time of cooking)
  7. Close the pot then simmer for 45 minutes or chicken become tender (native chicken is not soft as poultry chicken)
  8. Once the chicken is tender enough, put the sliced and unripe papa or chayote (simmer for 5 mins)
  9. Adjust stove heat level to medium temperature
  10. Add black pepper and salt (mix and let simmer for 5 mins)
  11. Add chilli leaves or spinach leaves and turn off the stove (Let the remaining heat of the closed pot cook the leaves to avoid over cooked it)
  12. Put a piece of chicken with soup in the bowl and taste it (Adjust the taste if it’s necessary)
  13. Serve and enjoy!