Delicious Fresh Lumpia and Homemade Lumpia Wrapper


Learn how to cook Simple and Delicious Fresh Lumpia and Homemade Wrapper that will definitely satisfy your friends and family.


Garlic, Onion, Fish Sauce, Black Pepper, Sugar, Shrimp, Ginger, Tofu, Chicken, Celery, Carrots, Oyster Sauce, Oil, Egg, Baguio Beans, Ubod ng niyog (heart of palm in coconut) , Lettuce

Credits to : Princess Ester Landayan

Fresh Lumpia : Wikipedia
Lumpiyang sariwa – Fresh lumpia
Lumpiang sariwa (Tagalog: “fresh spring roll”), similar to the Indonesian lumpia basah, consist of minced ubod (coconut heart), flaked chicken, crushed peanuts, sweet potato and jicama (singkamas) as an extender, encased in a double wrapping of lettuce leaf and a yellowish egg crêpe. Egg is often used to hold the wrap together. The accompanying sauce is made from chicken or pork stock, a starch mixture, crushed roasted peanuts and fresh garlic. This variety is not fried and is usually around 5 centimetres in diameter and 15 centimetres in length. It is derived from the original Chinese popiah.